As I sat in front of the TV, watching P Chidambaram, Kapil Sibal and Ambika Soni justify the government's....oops, the police's decision to arrest Anna Hazare, I was dumbfounded at the arrogant and condescending attitude of those three senior members of the political establishment. Their attitude towards a million strong peaceful protesters was summed up in PC's statement towards the end 'Laws cannot be made by some social activists sitting in a maidan'.
This is tantamount to saying that people should not hold their elected representatives accountable. That people should elect them once in five years, go back to do their chores and workplaces, while these representatives ostensibly go about their duties of passing laws. To take people to be idiots is bad enough. To go on national television to broadcast this message is arrogance to the core.
I have my views on the Lokpal Bill. The question is not about whether the Anna version of the bill is perfect. Or whethe...